Economic Development

Brownfield Redevelopment

Holistic approaches to spur private development activity and investment on underperforming and underutilized sites.

Complex hurdles hindering redevelopment of property surround Brownfield and tax reverted land. These hurdles create fear and uncertainty that become costly and time-consuming, so these sites languish, hindering economic and community development. Brownfield and tax reverted land redevelopment require professionals that understand the environmental and non-environmental conditions affecting a property.

We have the solutions to make these sites competitive with comparable Greenfield sites.

Because of perceived risk to human health and the environment and concerns over liability, these abandoned and underutilized sites often remain blighted or contaminated land, forgotten in plain view. Frequently by taking the appropriate approaches and conducting focused studies these low cost efforts show that problematic sites often are easier to redevelop than originally thought. However, if the sites conditions are determined to be cost and time prohibitive, AKT Peerless has the solutions to make these sites competitive with comparable Greenfield sites.

AKT Peerless considers sites in terms of spurring private development activity and investment on underperforming and underutilized sites. We provide access to information and research on previous development efforts, education programs for practitioners and academics in the field, and workshops that bring together experts and local stakeholders to strategize comprehensive development initiatives for municipalities and businesses.