Environmental Services

Tank Management

Fuel tank management and compliance consulting for AST/UST owners and operators.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and State regulatory agencies have strict underground and above ground storage tank (USTs and ASTs) management requirements. Registrations, insurance and content monitoring are routine challenges. AKT Peerless has the experience and staff to comply with these varying States’ requirements.

Tank Management

  • Registration
  • UST removal/AST decommissioning
  • Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plans (SPCCs)
  • Compliance inspections
  • Tank tightness testing
  • Existing tank upgrades
  • Insurance reviews

Corrective Action

Should a release occur, additional responsibilities must be undertaken. Determination of contaminant extents, remediation and closures must be completed. Legislation allowing the use of Risk-Based Corrective Actions (RBCA) has provided a powerful tool to close contaminated sites, allowing the use of combinations of engineering and institutional controls.

  • Leak investigations
  • Corrective action plans (CAPs)
  • Free product recovery
  • Remediation
  • Risk-based corrective actions

Working With Us

Our staff is comprised of Professional Engineers (PE), Licensed and Certified Professional Geologists (LPG and CPG), and Certified Underground Storage Tank Professionals whom have demonstrated proficiency in tank closures and hundreds of former and current LUST sites.