
Materiality Assessment

Identifying the most important environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics that are material to the performance of our Clients’ operations.

AKT Peerless works with our Clients to identify important ESG topics through a proprietary process involving company research, stakeholder engagement, data acquisition and critical analysis. This process will result in defining ESG topics that are most important to our Clients’ business and stakeholders. This information can be used to develop a new sustainability plan, update an existing plan, supplement strategic planning efforts, modify existing sustainability efforts, evaluate the information disclosed and more.

The Materiality Assessment process begins with the identification of a broad list of relevant topics that may be considered important to the performance of the company. Through a process of review, analysis and stakeholder engagement, that list is reduced and rated based on level of importance. The results of this rating are graphed on a Materiality Matrix. The topics rated the highest by the different sets of stakeholders are considered in the final analysis of Materiality. The result is a list of Material Aspects that are deemed most important for the company’s performance by strategic stakeholders.