
Sustainability Planning

Reducing impacts and improving performance.

We assist our Clients with strategic planning to identify, manage and disclose their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. We are able to enhance the value of the business and drive improvement through stakeholder engagement, goal setting, measuring and managing change and sharing results.

We use the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to develop sustainability reports for our Clients. This includes completing a Materiality Assessment to identify Material ESG Aspects which impact the performance of the Client’s operations. The sustainability plan is then developed around these ESG Aspects and includes standard disclosures as specified by GRI. We assist both municipal and private Clients with sustainability planning services.

We provide initial consulting, full sustainability plan development and implementation consulting services. We work together with our Clients to improve the performance of their business, to enhance employee and community relationships, and to reduce waste.